What vitamin can make me taller? A recent study gave the answer to this question.

This study looked at the effects of taking vitamin B12 and folic acid on the growth of children in North India over a period of 6 years.

The study involved 1,000 young children who were given either folic acid, vitamin B12, both vitamins, or a placebo daily for six months starting from 6-30 months of age. Six years later, the height of 791 children was measured.

The study found a small effect of vitamin B12 on growth but no effect of folic acid.

However, the effect of vitamin B12 supplementation was greater in children with low levels of vitamin B12 in their blood. The study also found that low vitamin B12 in early childhood can limit linear growth in North Indian children.

The verdict.

Vitamin B12 can help children grow a little taller. There is no evidence that adults would grow by taking vitamin B12. Folic acid has no effect on growing taller at all.


Vitamin B12 and/or folic acid supplementation on linear growth; a 6 years follow-up study of a randomised controlled trial in early childhood in North India

Sunita Taneja1, Ranadip Chowdhury1, Ingrid Kvestad23, Nita Bhandari1, Tor A Strand3 Affiliations PMID: 35876047