There is a body of scientific research that identifies the factors for infidelity.
Some people are more likely to have affairs than others.
Studies of American couples indicate that 20-40% of heterosexual married men and 20-25% of heterosexual married women will have an extramarital affair during their lifetime. (2)

Infidelity is the major factor in the spreading of STDs. It is that simple. Sexually Transmitted Diseases are passed from one person to another during intimate contact. There are rare exceptions to that. Two healthy faithful partners are fairly safe from any STD.

Scientists from a number of Universities were interested in any psychological signs that would point at one’s inclination to become unfaithful to their partner. Those signs are called predisposing factors. Some of those factors are related to previous psychological trauma, personality traits, past life experiences, upbringing, gender and more. (1)

This test was developed based on the research of the predisposing factors.

Take this quick free online test and find out how likely are you to cheat on your partner in the future. Is it in your psychological nature to be unfaithful?

  • Some of the questions will not make sense. The questions were made like that on purpose.
  • The test is not only about what answers you give but how you choose them.
  • Please, go through the quiz and answer the questions as fast as possible.
  • The first answer that comes to your mind is the most useful.
  • It is hard to ‘cheat’ on this test. People artificially try to be ‘good’ or ‘bad’ re-doing the test many times.
  • Have fun and share with your friends:)

Take the infidelity test below


Test for infidelity. Psychological test for how likely you are to cheat on your intimate partner.

Are you going to cheat on your love partner at any stage in the future? Is cheating a part of your psychological profile?

1 / 12

Choose as many answers as you want. When you studied at school or college, you did homework because of:

2 / 12

There are three colours to choose from: red, blue, white. You can choose two answers.

3 / 12

How often do you want to be alone?

4 / 12

Have you ever cheated on someone before your current relationship?

5 / 12

Choose one answer that most accurately reflects your thoughts.

6 / 12

Have you deliberately hurt yourself physically (e.g., punched yourself, cut yourself, burned yourself)?

7 / 12

Have any of your relationships been troubled by a lot of arguments or repeated breakups?

8 / 12

Have you made desperate efforts to avoid feeling abandoned or being abandoned (e.g., repeatedly called someone to reassure yourself that he or she still cared, begged them not to leave you, clung to them physically)?

9 / 12

Have you often felt that you had no idea of who you are or that you have no identity?

10 / 12

How often do you feel emotionally empty? e.g. not feeling anything, not wanting to do anything or even think about anything

11 / 12

Have you frequently felt unreal or as if things around you were unreal?

12 / 12

Do you ever feel attracted to a person other than your intimate partner?

Your score is

The average score is 17%


If you would like to change your answer, click on the wrong answer and click on the write one. And, this test is absolutely anonymous.

1. Psychological Distress: Precursor or Consequence of Dating Infidelity? , Frank D. Fincham, First Published February 1, 2009 Research Article Find in PubMed,

2. Tsapelas, I., Fisher, H. E., & Aron, A. (2011). Infidelity: When, where, why. In W. R. Cupach & B. H. Spitzberg (Eds.), The dark side of close relationships II (pp. 175–195). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

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